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Greatest 8 Logo
Greatest 8 Core Skills
Greatest 8 Web Homepage
Greatest 8 Internal Page
Greatest 8 Internal Page

THE GREATEST EIGHT: Program brand development + website design

While working for Worldways Social Marketing, I was the visual design lead for URI/South County Health’s new program “The Greatest Eight”, which is an educational tool for parents and health/education professionals to help children aged 0-8 develop the core skills of mental health. I created the brand identity to be child-friendly, using 8 bright colors and an action word ending in ‘ate’, each representing a core skill. 


Since the content of this program is very robust, I helped to develop a site map and designed their website using a sub-navigation system to more easily transition users through the material by age and skill. This more user-friendly approach makes the content much more digestible and easy to follow. The site design also includes a library of design elements that allows the client to use as they see fit in visually breaking up the text. 


Winter 2017-2018

Briana Ferraioli   |  Graphic Designer©    2021

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